2015-1 전자회로(2) 강의평가



5 : 매우 그렇다 4 : 그렇다 3 : 보통이다 2 : 그렇지 않다 1 : 전혀 그렇지 않다




1. Satisfaction :


Overall, this course was satisfactory..



2. Feedback :


(1) The instructor(s) responded sincerely to questions.


(2) The instructor(s) encouraged student participation.




3. Intellectual Challenge :


In the course, I was highly motivated to study the subject matter and related areas of study.



4. Student Involvement and Quality of Effort :


I was very involved and devoted much time and effort to this course.



5. Change and Development :
Of the following learning outcomes for this course, choose one or more and indicate your degree of improvement/development over the semester.




* Knowledge and/or understanding of the field of study




* Problem-solving and/or ability to apply learning




* Openness to diversity and different values




* Ability to communicate your thoughts through speaking/writing















6. Non-Discrimination Principle :


This course was conducted without biases or stereotypes based on gender, race, nationality or religion.



7. This course was conducted in English.





·  수강인원응답인원 (응답율) : 47 / 43 (91.48%)




*** Comments


여태까지 들었던 강의 프로젝트가 가장 유의미하고 흥미로운 수업이었다 



프로젝트가 정말 어려웠다 



The ability of insight is improved through this course. 



교수님의 강의방식이 매우 흡족스러웠습니다



앞자리에서 항상 집중해서 들었더니 복습할 수월했었다.수업이 좋아서 들으면 공부하기 편하다



knowledge about electronic elements 



프로젝트의 내용이 좋았다



projects and exams are so hard 



I think less project is more efficient. 





전자회로 관련 커리큘럼의 부재가 아쉽습니다. 과목 이후에는 학부과목 내에서는 회로 관련 과목이 딱히 존재하지 않는것 같습니다



very nice class 



학생들의 수준에 맞춰 수업을 진행하였고, 골고루 질문과 발표가 좋았습니다



by project, i can understand lecture more easily  



This course can't give motivation for learning because there is no partial point in projects and exams.  



Many simulation projects 



we can learn how to present our major in english. And also it was good choise to learn about electronic circuits 







Professor encourage students do many projects 



Putting high portion of the course in the project was very good to experience real application of the circuit. 



I can summarized whole circuit design that I learned in the university 




학생 발표로 인해 수업시간이 모자라서 후반부 수업 내용이 부실해졌습니다.


학생발표 시간을 조정할 필요가 있을듯 합니다



This course had a 5 minute review presentation for everyone. 


It encouraged me to study English 


Best lectures I've ever had 



교수님께서 학생들을 배려해주시는것 같아서 좋았습니다.


다만 프로젝트 난이도가 조금 조정되었으면 좋았을거 같습니다


수업시간에 다루지 않은 부분이 프로젝트에 많이 나와서 진행에 어려움이 많았습니다.