Total 326
번호 제   목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
206 [논문 ACCEPT-JQE] A 10-Gb/s 850-nm CMOS OEIC Receiver with a Silicon Avalanche Photodetector (7) 윤진성 09-19 4232
205 [논문 Acceptance-EDL] Effects of Guard-Ring Structures on the Performance of Silicon Avalanche Photodetectors Fabricated With Standard CMOS Technology (3) 이명재 10-11 3734
204 [연구실 소식] 김왕수 방장님 생일!! (2) 정현용 10-17 5232
203 [학술대회발표-MWP2011] A Monolithically Integrated Optical Receiver With a Silicon Avalanche Photodetector for Fiber-Wireless IEEE 802.11 WLAN Applications (1) 이명재 11-02 3731
202 [논문 ACCEPT - TCAS II] On-Chip Compensation of Ring VCO Oscillation Frequency Changes due to Supply Noise and Process Variation (4) 박영석 11-15 3745
201 [학술대회 발표-2011년 ISOCC] 임진수, 정현용 발표 (5) 정현용 11-21 4492
200 [논문게재 - IEEE PTL] A Silicon Balanced Subharmonic Optoelectronic Mixer for 60-GHz Fiber-Wireless Downlink Application (9) 이명재 11-22 3638
199 [논문 ACCEPT - TCAS II] A Time-To-Digital Converter based on a Multi-Phase Reference Clock and a Binary Counter with a Novel Sampling Error Corrector (4) 최광천 12-12 3566
198 [연구실 소식] 고민수 연구원 생일파티~!! (3) 이정민 12-15 4069
197 [수상] 2011 IEEE Student Paper Contest (Silver Award) (4) 이명재 12-17 4111
196 [연구실 소식] 2011 송년회~ (2) 김민형 12-26 3224
195 [논문게재 - JSTS] Design of 250-Mb/s Low-Power Fiber Optic Transmitter and Receiver ICs for POF Applications (7) 윤진성 12-27 3276
194 [논문게재 - JSTS] 3-Gb/s 60-GHz Link With SiGe BiCMOS Receiver Front-End and CMOS Mixed-Mode QPSK Demodulator (5) 이정민 12-28 3075
193 [논문 ACCEPT - TCAS-II] A 10-Gb/s Adaptive Look-Ahead Decision Feedback Equalizer with an Eye-Opening Monitor (5) 김왕수 01-02 3344
192 [연구실 소식] 2011 HSCS winter M.T. (4) 김민형 01-04 3456
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