작성일 : 13-03-06 19:03
[논문 Acceptance - TCAS-II] A 990uW 1.6-GHz PLL Based on a Novel Supply-Regulated Active Loop Filter VCO
 글쓴이 : 최광천
조회 : 3,079  
논문제목: A 990uW 1.6-GHz PLL Based on a Novel Supply-Regulated Active Loop Filter VCO

논문저자: Kwang-Chun Choi, Sung-Geun Kim, Seung-Woo Lee, Bhum-Cheol Lee, and Woo-Young Choi

저널명:  IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II

이명재 13-03-06 20:17
윤진성 13-03-07 16:55
이것도 축하!!

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