작성일 : 14-02-10 13:12
[논문 Acceptance - TCASII] A 0.4-V, 90~350-MHz PLL with an active loop-filter charge pump
 글쓴이 : 임진수
조회 : 2,889  
논문제목: A 0.4-V, 90~350-MHz PLL with an active loop-filter charge pump

논문저자: Joung-wook Moon ; Kwang-chun Choi ; Woo-young Choi

저널명: Transactions on Cicruits And Systems II - Express Breifs

정욱이형의 논문이 accept 되었습니다~
정말 축하드립니다!!

김성근 14-02-13 13:16
최우영 14-02-13 16:37

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