작성일 : 14-05-22 13:33
[논문 Acceptance - JSTQE] Optical-Power Dependence of Gain, Noise, and Bandwidth Characteristics for 850-nm CMOS Silicon Avalanche Photodetectors
 글쓴이 : 이정민
조회 : 2,406  
논문제목: Optical-Power Dependence of Gain, Noise, and Bandwidth Characteristics for 850-nm CMOS Silicon Avalanche Photodetectors

논문저자: Myung-Jae Lee, Holger Rücker, Woo-Young Choi

저널명: Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

명재형의 논문이 accept 되었습니다. 정말 축하드립니다!! ^^

최우영 14-05-23 09:32
명재, 축하한다!
근데, 저자에 IHP Holger Ruecker 박사도 포함된다.
임진수 14-07-15 11:25
꾸준히 집필활동을..ㅎㅎ

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