작성일 : 11-03-23 12:51
[논문게제- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics] A Study on Modulation Configuration of Optoelectronic Oscillators Using Direct Modulation of Semiconductor Lasers
 글쓴이 : 김재영
조회 : 6,029  
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지진이 나도 논문은 나오네요..

게재 년도: 2011

게재 월: 3

논문제목: A Study on Modulation Configuration of Optoelectronic Oscillators Using Direct Modulation of Semiconductor Lasers

논문저자: Jae-Young Kim, Woo-Young Choi, Hyuk-Kee Sung

저널명: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 50, Issue 3, pp. 032504-1~4, Mar. 22, 2011

이명재 11-03-23 12:54
윤진성 11-03-25 10:12
최우영 11-03-26 10:07
재영, 축하!
올해 나올 재영이의 수많은(?) 논문 중 첫번째라고 믿는다!
이정민 11-03-30 01:06
축하드려요 재영이형~ ㅎㅎ

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