High-Speed Information Transmission Lab.
무제 문서
Chip Fabrication
2024.10 2025.01 |
TSMC2410 [TSMC 180nm MS RF G] |
OPA Driver IC |
2024.07 2025.01 |
SEC2407 [samsung 28nm LPP] |
APD ORX, Voltage multiplier |
2024.04 2024.09 |
SEC2404 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
ORX_4CH, ETX_single_ended_4CH, OTX_4CH, ETX_CML_1CH |
2024.01 2024.06 |
SEC2401 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
4CH_WDM_OTX, VCSEL_driver, Inductorless_ORX, Weigthbank_Controller, APD
2023.10 2024.04 |
SEC2310 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
ETX_4CH, Flip_chip_ETX_1CH, Diff_CML_ETX_1CH, VCEL_driver, 850nm_ORX |
2023.10 2024.02 |
2023_Yonsei_HSCS [AMF SOI] |
MRM/MRR Farm, 4-ch Tx, 4-ch Rx, Weight bank, Ring PD, RAMZI, PDK cells |
2023.07 2024.01 |
S2307 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
APD Orx with HGMON, 1-CH MRM Tx with controller |
2023.04 2023.07 |
M13716 [TSMC 180nm MS RF G] |
32ch OPA Phase shifter driver IC |
2023.01 ~ 2023.07 |
S2301 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
APD Rx, 56G PAM4 Receiver with 4 tap FFE, 1 tap DFE |
2022.10 ~ 2023.03 |
S2210 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
56G PAM4 Recevier with 4 tap FFE, 1 tap DFE,
56G PAM4 Optical Transmitter, POS, APD |
2022.07 ~ 2022.12 |
S2207 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
APD Farm , High-speed TX with T-Coil |
2022.04 2022.08 |
Yonsei_2022 [AMF SOI] |
Si Mach-Zehnder Modulators, 28G PDs, BPDs, Si Ring Modulators |
2022.04 ~ 2022.10 |
S2204 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
Transmitter, Receiver Front End , 4-ch WDM Rx, Test block |
2021.10 2022.04 |
S2110 [samsung 28nm Logic RF CMOS] |
2021.08 TBD |
YONSEI_2021 [imec iSiPP50G] |
RAMZI for QPSK, 2RAMZI for push-pull QPSK, Coupling modulation, Active MMI |
2021.04 2021.10 |
S2104 [Samsung 28nm RF CMOS] |
PAM-4 Tx, PAM-4 CDR, AFE with EOM, Optical Switch Controller |
2021.04 2021.07 |
202104_NanoSOI [NanoSOI PIC] |
4 x 4 MZI based optical switch matrix, Stacked dual ring phase modulators, RAMZIs |
2020.10 2022.02 |
YONSEI_2020 [imec iSiPP50G] |
Dual RMs for QPSK, Single RMs for BPSK, Heater crosstalk blocks |
2020.09 2021.03 |
S2009 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
Tx with FFE, ORx with PDE |
2020.05 2021.12 |
T448 [IHP SG25H5_ePIC_Cu_BEOL] |
Dual-ring QPSK Modulator, 2/4 channel WDM Ring Filter Array with PD, SF-TIA Optical Receivers, BiCMOS PRBS Generator, Heater Optimization Test Blocks |
2020.03 2020.09 |
S2003 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
WDM Filter Controller, NRZ CDR, LC VCO, PAM-4 Tx |
2019.10 2020.04 |
S1910 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
PAM4 Tx, Optical Rx, Test Inductor |
2019.05 2019.11 |
S1905 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
PRBS Generator, 2ch WDM Rx, 25G ORx |
2019.02 2020.08 |
0_YONEPIC_1902 [IHP SG25H5_ePIC] |
C-band 2-ch WDM Tx |
2018.12 2019.04 |
S1812 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
Optical Tx, Optical Rx |
2018.10 2019.10 |
0_KETI2018V2 [IHP SG25H4_ePIC] |
1550-nm Coherent EPIC Rx, 1310-nm PSM4 EPIC Rx Si RM farm for Stressor Nitride RMs, 4 x 4 MMI |
2018.06 2018.10 |
S1806 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
PAM4 Tx, Optical Rx |
2018.04 2019.05 |
0_KETI_2018A [IHP SG25H4_ePIC] |
1310nm Si RM, 4-Ch WDM Rx, 1-Ch Rx, 1-Ch Tx |
2018.04 2019.05 |
0_YONEPIC_2018A [IHP SG25H4_ePIC] |
1310nm Si RM, 1-Ch Rx, 1550-nm 2-Ch PAM4 Tx, Comb Generator, Si Ring QPSK Modulator, 1-Ch Driver |
2017.10 2018.08 |
0_YS_2017 [IHP SG25H4_ePIC] |
2017.08 2017.11 |
Leo2017 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
PAM4 Tx, sampler, 25G ORx |
2017.04 2018.01 |
1310 nm WDM Tx(4Ch, 2Ch), 1310 nm WDM Rx(4Ch, 2Ch)
2017.02 2017.06 |
Picses2017 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
4-ch Tx, PAM4 Tx |
2016.11 2018.03 |
ADMRMs, Ring Filters, 2,4-ch WDM TRx, Heaters |
2016.11 2018.03 |
4-ch WDM Tx with controller, 2-ch WDM Rx, ADMRMs, Ring Filters |
2016.08 2016.11 |
Leo2016 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
4-channel TX, 4PAM TRx |
2016.04 2016.08 |
Pisces2016 [Samsung 28nm CMOS] |
toggle TRX, MRM controller, 25G ORX/TX |
2015.10 2016.08 |
Optical filter, MRM and heater for WDM |
2015.10 2016.08 |
1-ch WDM Rx, 2-ch WDM Tx, Controller test block |
2015.01 2016.07 |
0_Capricorn2015 [IHP SG25 EPIC] |
High-Speed Opto-electronics Transceiver |
2014.10 2015.04 |
Scorpio2015 [IHP SG25H1] |
MZM bias controller with CMOS APD |
2014.10 2014.12 |
Dongbu_011_min [Dongbu 0.11um CIS (CMOS Image Sensor)] |
High-speed CIS avalanche photodiode design |
2014.08 2015.06 |
Ring Modulator |
2014.08 2015.03 |
Virgo2014 [IDEC MPW S1402, samsung 65nm Logic CMOS] |
Transceiver (Low power Serializer, SerDes, CDR) |
2014.01 |
Capricorn2013 [TSMC 65nm CMOS General Purpose] |
25Gb/s Opto-electonic Transceiver |
2013.12 2014.06 |
Sagittarius2013 [IDEC MPW126, samsung 65nm Logic CMOS] |
20Gb/s CDR and TIA, PLL |
2013.07 |
Thecrab2013 [IDEC MPW121, samsung 65nm Logic CMOS] |
12.5Gb/s EPIC ORx, ULV PLL, Tx |
2013.05 |
Taurus2013 [Magna 0.18um CMOS] |
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2013.03 |
OpSIS_YU_201302 [OpSIS-IME-002, SOI] |
25 Gbps optical device design (Photodetector, Ring modulator, SSB, passive) |
2013.03 |
OpSIS_YU_201302_Passive [[OpSIS-IME-002, SOI]] |
25 Gbps optical device design only passive structure (Photodetector, Ring modulator, SSB, passive) |
2013.03 |
OpSIS_YU_201302_Active [OpSIS-IME-002, SOI] |
25 Gbps optical device design (Photodetector, Ring modulator, SSB, passive) |
2013.02 |
YSCKC [TSMC 0.18um] |
2012.12 |
Sagittarius2012 [IDEC MPW117, samsung 65nm Logic CMOS] |
20Gb/s Tx and Rx, DCC, PLL |
2012.10 2013.08 |
OpSIS_YU_201310 [OpSIS-IME004] |
25Gb/s Optical Si-MRM, K-modulator, KETI |
2012.08 |
Virgo2012 [Samsung 130nm CMOS] |
Ultra-Low Voltage PLL and TDC |
2012.06. |
Gemini2012 [IDEC MPW112, Samsung 65nm CMOS Logic] |
20Gbps Optical Transceiver |
2012.04 |
Aries2012 [TSMC 65nm CMOS General Purpose] |
20Gb/s Opto-electronic Transceiver |
2012.03. |
Pisces2012 [IDEC MPW109, Samsung 130nm CMOS Logic] |
PVT-compensated All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop |
2011.06. |
Leo2011 [IDEC MPW104, Samsung 65nm CMOS Logic] |
10Gbps Full Transceiver |
2011.05 |
Pororo [IDEC TSMC 180nm] |
5-GHz Power Amp |
2011.04 |
HSCS YU [IHP 250nm] |
60-GHz Miller Divder & Integrated Miller divider and Copitts VCO, CMOS-APD, Optical Receiver, 60-GHz Optical-to-Wireless Converter, DC-DC Boost Converter |
2011.04 |
Taurus WS EQ [IDEC MPW100, samsung 90nm] |
A 6Gb/s Adaptive Preemphasis Using Asynchronous-Sampling Histograms |
2010.5 |
Hyunah [IHP 250nm] |
Antipodal APD Mixer, CMOS-APD, VCO, LNA, Mixer, Receiver, Optical Receiver |
2010.08 |
Pooh [IDEC MPW95, TowerJazz 180nm] |
60-GHz Colpitts VCO |
2010.06 |
Miracle [TSMC 180nm] |
Ku-band LNA |
2010.03 |
Arthas [IDEC MPW91, samsung 130nm] |
Digital Controlled Oscillator |
2009. 07 |
Bigbang WS EQ [IDEC MPW90, samsung 130nm] |
A 5.4Gb/s Adaptive Equalizer Using Asynchronous-Sampling Histograms |