작성일 : 09-10-28 06:11
[논문게재-PTL] High-Speed CMOS Integrated Optical Receiver with an Avalanche Photodetector
글쓴이 :
 조회 : 3,976
윤진성군의 논문이 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters에 게재되었습니다.
게재 년도: 2009
게재 월: 10
논문제목: High-Speed CMOS Integrated Optical Receiver with an Avalanche Photodetector
논문저자: Jin-Sung Youn, Hyo-Soon Kang, Myung-Jae Lee, Kang-Yeob Park, and Woo-Young Choi
저널명: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 20, pp. 1553-1555, Oct. 2009